het verhaal van een attitude
stichting TIJD
"Because ecology claims to study the relational patterns of living creatures, their relations with each other and with the environment, it is unthinkable that human beings should be excluded as creators! But increasingly human beings are being treated as passive spectators, while this passivity is in total contradiction with everything that is ecological. "
'Omdat de ecologie pretendeert de relatiepatronen te bestuderen van levende wezens, hun onderlinge relatie zowel als hun relatie met de omgeving, juist daarom is het volstrekt ondenkbaar de mens als creator uit te sluiten! De mens wordt echter steeds meer als passief toeschouwer geduld, terwijl juist deze passiviteit weer in volstrekte tegenspraak is met alles, wat ecologisch heet te zijn'
Louis G.Le Roy (1924-2012) werkte meer dan dertig jaar aan een enorm bouwwerk in een weiland in Mildam, in het noorden Nederland. Op een terrein van drie hectare stapelt hij met blote handen straatstenen, stoeptegels en trottoirbanden en ander straatafval op elkaar terwijl hij de natuur zijn gang liet gaan.
Zijn werk wordt voortgezet door stichting TIJD
Louis G. Leroy (1924- 2012)has been working for more than thirty years on an enormous structure in a meadow in Mildam, in the north of the Netherlands. On a three-hectares terrain he has stacked up paving stones, paving bricks, curbstones and other such rubble with his bare hands, while allowing nature to go its own way.
His work is now being continued by stichting TIJD
Ecokathedraal (Philippe Vélez Mc Intyre, 2002)
Le Roy film
Le Roy thinking (Philippe Vélez Mc Intyre, 2002)


Creating and creativity are buzz words. Especially in relation to the development of new urban areas like the NDSM. It is the adjective that seems to promiss everlasting movement and energy.
But what kind of activity is creation? Is the desire for change fulfilled with just providing a location for creative industry?
The office space for 'creative companies' like MTV or Red Bull hasn't spilled over outside the actual offices. The only places where the visitor can notice any traces of creative behaviour is outside the studios of artists and the grafity on the buildings.

The act of creation is subsequently considering the possiblities every step of the process. It is not a smart or clever way to solve problems. It is not about clever or innovative products. These can be the result of the creative process.
The stopping and taking time to see where you should be heading next is the quintessence of creating. A creativity friendly environment should allow this process. The development of such an area should mimic the creative process as well.
the ecocathedral
de stelling/FRAMED#1
casus: Louis G Le Roy
quote LeRoy in stelling#2
Louis Le Roy: considering possibilities